05. Example Clinical Scenario


In this video, we’ll cover how the information from imaging studies is incorporated into the clinical decision-making process, and ultimately influences the course of a patient’s treatment. We’ll do so by going over three example clinical scenarios, and introducing the concept of the likelihood ratio.

ND320 C3 L1 05 Example Clinical Scenario 1


Match the diagnostic performance metric with its correct definition.




A diagnostic performance metric used to determine whether a test result usefully changes the probability that a condition/disease is present.

The probability of a test being positive, given that a patient has the underlying disease/condition.

The probability of a test being negative, given that a patient does not have the underlying disease/condition.




A diagnostic performance metric used to determine whether a test result usefully changes the probability that a condition/disease is present.

The probability of a test being negative, given that a patient does not have the underlying disease/condition.

The probability of a test being positive, given that a patient has the underlying disease/condition.

ND320 C3 L1 06 Example Clinical Scenario 2

Summary + Exercise Instructions

Good work, you’ve started to integrate the information from all the prior videos while exploring some example clinical cases, and have seen how imaging can influence clinical-decision making. You’ve also been introduced to the likelihood ratio, a crucial diagnostic performance metric used to determine whether a test result usefully changes the probability that a condition/disease is present. Next up, you’ll further practice integrating this information in the given exercise.